
I'm a designer and engineer with a passion for bringing people together. Building products and organising events make me happy.

Jonny working

I wrote my first line of HTML in 1998 together with my cousin Morgan, and in 2001, I copy-pasted my first chunk of JavaScript. Then I spent the yearly 2000s with being the owner and editor-in-chief of first then later At it’s peak had 12 people the team.

When I turned 18, in 2004, me and Pelle Penttinen started Digital Unit Sweden, our first consultancy firm. Me and Pelle continued on to collaborate on various ventures like communities, school books, CMSes, and other more or less, often with the helping hand of Jonas Söderberg.

In 2006 I moved to Umeå where I got a masters degree in engineering with focus on interaction and design. I especially value the later courses which I took together with the incredibly talented Anton Johansson. At the graduation ceremony I was chosen as the student of the year by my classmates.

In 2007 Pelle, Jonas and I joined Tommie and Petter as founding members of KollaCity. I spent a large part of my In the end we earned almost no money out of this project but the experience was priceless. I learned so much about running a company and especially about developing and maintaining a decently large and advanced (at that time) web app with thousands of lines of JavaScript app.

After my time at the University I moved to Stockholm in 2011 and started working as designer at Mynewsdesk where I was the sole designer in a team of 15 developers and 130 employees. I worked closely with David Wennergren, Erik Andersson and Richard Johansson, together with which I later build the first version of Teamtailor. There I also met Jonas Brusman that became my partner in many hackathons and side-projects, for example 24h Business Camp that we won 2011.

In the summer of 2011 I met Martina Elm which was the beginning of a wonderful friendship and many years of running projects and companies together. The first years we collaborated with Joakim Ekberg to organize Sthlm Startup Hack (Events) and with Jonatan Heyman to build StartupLocation (Projects).

During the same period I also made my first public presentation at Sthlm.js, there I met the organizer Johannes Edelstam who became a close friend and future co-founder.

In the beginning of 2013, after 18 month as a full-time employee, I resigned with the intention of spending more time on all my side-projects. I did consultancy work for Tictail, Lookback, Hyper Island, Mynewsdesk, Auxy, Trustly, Sup46 and others.

Autumn 2013, Martina, Johannes and I, founded Confetti. In December we moved in to our friend Ted Valentins new co-workingspace Knackeriet, and in January the company was our full-time job.

At the same time as we founded Confetti, we also founded Nordic.js, and a few yers later, in 2017, we founded it’s sister conference

December 2023 we're 8 full-time employees working at Confetti, it's been 10 wild years and I'm really excited about the future!


Confetti icon


2013 - present Co-founder

A service for event organizers to sell tickets and manage attendees

Nordic.js icon


2014 - present Co-organizer

An international JavaScript conference with 1000+ attendees from 40+ countries. icon

2017 - 2019 Co-organizer is an international conference directed towards product designers and UX designers.

Jonny Action icon

Jonny Action

2004 - Present

As freelancer I've worked with clients like Teamtailor, Tictail, Lookback, Hyper Island, Mynewsdesk, Auxy, Trustly, Sup46 and others.

Mynewsdesk icon


2011 - 2013 Lead designer

I was sole designer in a product company with 100+ employees. I was responsible for the design of the entire platform and as well as a lot of the frontend development.

KollaCity icon


2007 - 2011 Founding member

KollaCity is a service which enabled stores to have a shared loyalty program with other stores in the same area. I did all design, print and frontend development.

TuneSquare icon


2009 - 2010 Founding member

TuneSquare was a music streaming service for unsigned artists. I did all desig and much of the frontend development.

Digital Unit icon

Digital Unit

2004 - 2007 Designer

DigitalUnit was a web agency which build websites and ecommerces. I did all design and much of the frontend development.

Things I'm proud of

  • Bootstrapped Confetti together with Martina Elm and Johannes Edelstam without investors and are now 10 full-time employees
  • Created two international tech conferences in Nordic.js and together Johannes Edelstam and Martina Elm
  • Nordic.js 2021 had 1200 attendees from 40 different countries
  • Organiser of sthlm.js from 2013 til present with 4500 members
  • Organized and sold out 7 editions Nordic.js (2015 in 10 seconds)
  • Won of 24 Hour Business Camp together with Jonas Brusman and Ingemar Edsborn
  • Won of Code in the Dark
  • My first open source project List.js has 10k+ GitHub stars
  • Built a NES game with Nevyn Bengtsson and Mascoll Silverstolpe
  • Co-organized the International Cat Video Festival with Martina Elm and Johannes Edelstam
  • Awarded as on of Swedens top 10 designers under 30
  • 28th best developer in Sweden according to IDG
  • Interaction and design student of the year at Umeå University
  • Ran in high school and had a team of 12 people
  • Spoke about Confettis design work in front of a full room at Sthlm Tech Fest
  • Invited by the New Zealand goverment to organize Nature Hack in Wellington together with Martina Elm and Gustav Borgefalk
  • Presented at sthlm.js 5+ times
  • Spoka at HybridConf about how to organize inclusive tech events
  • Retweeted & quoted by Darude